What can i expect in my first visit?

Your first visit is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and to discuss your complete health history. In addition to a comprehensive intake, please bring any recent and / or relevant lab results to your visit. We will talk for approximately one hour during which time I will assess your pulse and tongue for differential diagnosis and treatment strategy. After this, you will rest comfortably with acupuncture for approximately thirty minutes. When you leave, we will thoroughly discuss your treatment plan going forward, any recommended supplements and / or custom herbal formula/s, and nutrition plan, if indicated.

Do you take insurance?

At this time we are in-network with Oscar Health. We will provide a super-bill and verify benefits for any out-of-network insurance plans.

What can I expect after my first visit?

After the first visit most patients report a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. You might also feel sleepy as the nervous system recalibrates, and / or relief from any acute condition that day, such as a headache. You can continue about your day with no restrictions, however it is always advisable to listen to your body, and rest if you are tired.

What safety precautions are you taking with Covid 19?

• Our office is adhering to WHO standards, including asking patients who are sick currently with a fever or cough, and / or those who have traveled outside the US or been exposed to the virus to stay at home, and utilize telemedicine instead of in-person appointments.

• Appointments have been staggered and patient volume reduced so there will be no overlap in visits. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival, with hand sanitizer, and I will escort you to the treatment room.

• I will be wearing PPE gear, including lab coat, mask, acushield and / or gloves for the duration of the visit.

• Please bring your mask to our appointment and wear for the duration of the visit.

• The office will be completely sanitized between visits, and all non-essential items have been removed at this time.

How long will it take to see results for my condition?

Acupuncture works at the cellular level to promote change. Depending on how long you have had the condition, it might take longer to see complete results, however most clients find relief from shorter-term and more acute conditions quickly. For example, if you have a headache on the day of your visit, or are feeling unwell with digestive issues, acute onset of pain / inflammation, allergies, etc., this can often be resolved by the end of the first visit. In our initial treatment plan, I will assess your recommended visits / a timeline for optimal results.

How does acupuncture influence the female reproductive system?

 • Improves the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs

• Regulates hormones to produce larger numbers of follicles

• Increases blood flow to the Uterus and Ovaries thereby increasing both Ovarian Sensitivity to gonadtropins and the Uterine Lining for implantation

• Relaxes the patient to induce parasympathetic nervous system dominance

Can acupuncture assist in improving the likelihood of pregnancy? How?

Absolutely! In addition to comprehensive male and female hormone blood chemistry analysis, Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture has been shown to:

• Regulate the hormones to promote higher likelihood of conception

• Lessen many of the unwanted side-effects of ART treatment

• Mitigate the downstream effects of IVF stimulation in the uterine environment to enhance implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates

• Decrease miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy rates

• Enhance conception in ART cycles: IUI, IVF, FET, Surrogacy

• Promote a healthy ongoing pregnancy without complications, and a healthy post-partum period

What types of infertility can acupuncture and herbal medicine treat?

Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a comprehensive approach to treating internal medicine and gynecology, promoting blood flow and circulation to the uterus, restoring the H-P-O axis / function, and regulating hormones. The following are some of the conditions successfully treated in our clinic:

• Advanced Maternal Age

• Poor Egg Quality

• Annovulation

• Endometriosis


• High FSH/Poor Responders

• Immunologic Infertility

• Luteal Phase Defect

• Male Factor

• Prolactinemia

• Recurrent Miscarriage

• Tubal Factor

• Unexplained Infertililty

• Uterine Fibroids

What is the typical length of treatment for infertility?

The typical course of treatment is anywhere from three months to one year, depending on which type of infertility diagnosis the patient has. 

Can acupuncture be used to increase male fertility?

Absolutely. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have been demonstrated in several peer-reviewed studies to enhance the three main issues affecting male fertility: Oligozoospermia (low count/concentration), Athenozoospermia (low motility), and teratozoospermia (poor morphology).